In the course of life, various questions related to inheritance law, especially estate and pension planning, arise: What is the appropriate marital property regime? When do I need a prenuptial agreement? How do I make a will or a contract of inheritance? How can I best protect the surviving spouse? To what part of the inheritance can I nominate my life partner as an heir? Who will look after me when I can no longer take care of myself? How do I make an inheritance division? Estate and pension planning can help ensure that your individual wishes are taken into account in the event of death or incapacity and that the law is not simply applied. We offer you comprehensive advice on matrimonial property and inheritance law matters. In doing so, we do not limit ourselves to the classic inheritance key points, but also always take into account the specific family, tax law and company law circumstances.
Our focus is on the notarial drafting of marriage, inheritance and inheritance waiver contracts, the drafting of wills and advance directives as well as the assumption of mandates for the execution of wills. In addition, we accompany and support you in enforcing your inheritance claims in negotiations and in court.
Our services at a glance
National and international estate planning and processing
Property law planning
Marriage contracts (choice of matrimonial property regime, regulation of spousal maintenance, regulation of dissolution through death or divorce, etc.)
Inheritance contracts (change of legal succession, disinheritance, legacy, etc.)
Waiver of inheritance
Execution of wills
Divisions of estates
Establishment of a foundation
Health care orders, general powers of attorney and living wills
Advice on company succession
Advice and out-of-court representation and litigation